Well, Hello There

Well, hello there! Thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. I hope you find some amusing, perhaps inspiring or at least a good 'waste of time'.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's That Smell

Oh it's such a joy to have kids, truly it is.  They're also hilarious at times, which makes it terribly difficult to reprimand them.  Tonight the kids came out asking if they could use air freshener after using the potty, of course, that's what it's there for after all.  Princess has sprayed it many times before and since she's the youngest I figure it's no big deal...right? 

I have a cold, so I can't smell very well so when I start to taste something, and realize they're still in the bathroom - uh oh, Houston, we have a problem.  Hey, you guys what are you doing in there?  Are you still spraying that?  This is what I hear:  *Crash!*  Giggle, giggle!  No, we're just sliding now!  Oh dear, you realize what that means right?  They've sprayed so much of that smelly stuff that it has made the floor slippery, and they're now using that as an ice skating rink! 

Can't be too upset, they're not hurt and are proving to be quite imaginative kiddos.  But, I can't let it go without fussing at them about spraying it all over the place in there.  "Guys, come here!  Were you in there spraying that the whole time?"  "No, not the whole time, we're just sliding right now."  This is where it's hard to be a parent who is trying to correct their kids.  It's so hard to keep a straight face, and I won't lie and say I succeeded, because I failed miserably.  Not only did I smile, I laughed too!  Hubby couldn't keep a straight face either, and that made it even harder to not laugh out loud.  It'd be so much easier to have an argument, or correct them if their side of the story wasn't so darn funny!

I love those kiddies, they keep me on my toes, give me an unlimited supply of good stuff to write about, make me giggle, laugh out loud, and we all keep each other happy...most of the time.  So, I'm off to go skate around in the bathroom, while I scrub the floor up - hopefully I come out of there without a broken arm since I'm not the most coordinated person.  Wish me luck, and until next time - see how much fun you can have on an air freshener-slickened floor!


  1. No more soccer type incidents, PLEASE!!

  2. Ok...typed a comment and it got lost...here I go again.....What a Mom...you are one of the best...I remember yelling at the boys when they were smaller....didn't have your patience...loved them dearly as you do your two...you are a real joy in the family...we all love you...your hubby and the kids...keep up the good work mom....granny
