Well, Hello There

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Monday, February 21, 2011

What is Rasem?

Oh they're going to kill me when they're older, knowing I posted all about their funny stories and our free entertainment via them.  Today, it's a Hot Rod story.  During class at church, he had to write about what he could do to be a better person/Christian.  He wrote the three things he was instructed to do, but that's not where he left off.  He drew a blob, which I later found out was meant to be a race car.  I heard him talk about a car, but had no clue what he was talking about.  In the car/blob the letters "Rasem" was written.  Confusion set it, as it often does, and I furrowed my brow and asked who is Ra-SEEM? 

Hot Rod looks at me and shrugs and then informed me that he couldn't fit his whole name in the blob so he wrote that instead.  I said what?  So you just made up a name?  He said yeah.  I laughed, heartily I might add.  Then I had to explain it wasn't that I was laughing at HIM but what he had written.  I said well you could have abbreviated your name.  Then the car thing came in, I have no idea what that kid was talking about, I was too busy laughing.  My husband looked at him and said oh wait, so you couldn't fit your name there so you wrote "Race 'em"?  To which Hot Rod agreed, not understanding how it could be so difficult to grasp.  Considering he is a fantastic speller, and at times I'm sure he can out spell his dad, I don't know what would possess him to write "Race Them" as "Rasem".  It was quite comical in any event, and I needed a good laugh.  My kids are a constant source of entertainment. 

Cute story aside, here is today's thought:  When the world outside our doors can be a cold, cruel place where only the biggest, baddest dogs survive, I sit here and am grateful for what we have.  Everyday I make it a point to tell Hot Rod and Princess how lucky we are to have them, how wonderful they are and that they're beautiful.  I figure if we build them up enough at home, their self esteem will be strong enough to handle the outside world without allowing others to tear them down.  I never want them to wonder if they're loved, or if they're great.  They might not be the next American Idol or the next President, but whatever they choose to do, I'll be here supporting them, cheering them on all the while thanking God for allowing me to be their mom.

Hug your kids, and whisper sweet words of encouragement to them.  Support them, lead them down the right paths, but protect them.  We, as their parents, are their voices when they're so young and impressionable, and we are also the ones who mould them into the people they will become tomorrow.

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