Well, Hello There

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Have You Played In The Rain Lately?

Kids say the darnedest things...some cute, some funny, some sweet, some break your heart.  Today I've heard a few things that have inspired me to write.  First being from Hot Rod.
Hot Rod's birthday is coming up and what does he want to do for his birthday?  The water park.  Sounds fun right?  Last year I would have said absolutely.  This year, I tremble, wondering if I'm going to ruin his birthday.  MG and heat aren't friends but by golly we're going to do the water park if it kills me - I refuse to ruin his birthday.  Let's just hope MG agrees and doesn't really try to take me out, that'd be embarrassing for all of us!  Could you just imagine me falling out in respiratory distress, and some fit dudes come running over, trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with Miss Plumpalicious?  Probably thinking the whole time, well if she had just eaten one less cheeseyburger, while they strain and grunt trying to haul me out of said water park.  On a side note, I did just receive the medical alert bracelet I ordered, so that should help if there were to be any problems.  It makes me more confident in going into the sweltering heat here in Podunkville to the water park!

All for the love of our son I'm going to do this.  It will be fun I'm sure.  Watching him have a blast, seeing him swim around the lazy river.  Yes, Hot Rod doesn't get the "Lazy" part of the river.  Instead, he has to swim through the whole winding path of gently flowing water with shrills of laughter and giggles emanating from his small body while Hubby and I follow in his wake smiling broadly as Hot Rod has fun.  Princess enjoys this also though after some time she, unlike her counterpart, tires out and at some point she hitches a ride with Mommy or Daddy.  Next will come slides, with oversized inner tubes and handles affixed for one to grasp onto as the float dashes down the water filled tubes while our family of four holds on tightly for those few seconds until we're at the end and assess how great of an adventure that was.   Then I'm sure we'll make it back to the lazy river for some more swimming, perhaps venture into the wave pool, or watch the kids frolic around in the kiddie section which is full of fountains, squirters, miniature slides and ships on which to climb.  Oh yes, I'm sure they'll have a great time, and though I will be melting, ready to leave after only a short time, I will be ecstatic that I was able to be a part of his birthday. 
Today I had to have blood work drawn, and as I get the kidlets dressed and ready I hear apprehension in their voices when they asked where we were going and I said simply, "I have to go to the doctor."  Wonder what's wrong?  Well the kids were afraid that the doctor would make me go back to the hospital.  They're afraid at any point I'll be in the hospital away from them for another week.  What can you say for reassurances?  I can't promise them I won't have to go back, so I tell them I'm doing everything I can to be as well as possible so hopefully I won't have to go back.  Want to know what Hot Rod says at some point.  "Mommy, if your sickness doesn't come back and you don't have blood clots and have to go back to the hospital for my birthday, then my birthday wish will have come true."  Cue tears and grab a kleenex folks!  How many kids make wishes like that for their birthday?  How many kids have to wonder or worry over stuff like that?  So I put on my happy face, which isn't much of a smile as MG seems to have taken away a lot of my smiling capabilities, and tell him "Oh Hot Rod, you don't have to worry about that.  I'm doing everything I can to be better.  I take the medicine the doctor gives me to help me feel better and they gave me some medicine to help thin my blood so I hopefully won't get another blood clot."  I know why he's worried.  Yesterday I had another round of IVIg, poor kid.  Tomorrow I should get the results of my blood work, hopefully it's all good so I can tell the kids how great I'm doing!  Reassurance - they need that! 
Something else they need I suppose is a piggy back ride.  Princess asked me, "Mommy, when your sickness is gone can you give me and Hot Rod a piggy back ride again?"  She doesn't realize I'll always have this 'sickness' but there's no need to point it out right now.  Sheesh these kids....they're deprived!  Deprived of piggy back rides and being picked up and carried around like sacks of potatoes, deprived of the carefree jovial nature kids should have.  Kids shouldn't be worried about when Mom is going to feel up to doing anything "extra", or see their mom's hair fall out.  Though Princess did make me laugh with that one.  Okay, so I'm losing my hair - not what most women want to see happening, but it is and we just need to deal with it.  So, anyway, today I scratch my neck and there's a clump of hair, I pull it off my neck and Princess says "You know Mom"...she's on this Mom kick - I prefer mommy, keeps them little longer, lol.."I hope you don't get a bald head!"  She says with such conviction as if her words could take away the possibility of *gasp* baldness!  I laughed, she's cute! 
Tonight I shared that story with Hubby on our way back from the doctors, about her hoping I won't get a bald head.  We're driving along and then she says "Mommy," ah, there it is! "you remember when I had a peeonya."  I looked at hubby, peeonya?  I said "Do I remember when  you had to pee?"  Princess, "No!  When I hit a peeonya."  I sit and think, what the heck is a peeonya.  To me, whatever it is isn't something I'd want...for someone to pee on you?  No, she can't be saying that..so I think some more then ask another question "You hit a peeonya?"  "Yes!"  Then it clicks, "You mean when  you hit a pinata?  Are you asking if I remember when you hit a pinata."  I smile, and she says "Yeah, pinata.  Do you remember when I hit it."  Yes I sure do, she's still remembering the family reunion and the pinatas, and her favorite part of the pinatas?  The candy of course!  I laughed, hubby laughed and he looked over at me, while driving down the road and declared:  "Now that is what you need to put in  your blog."  I supposed he's right.  It's been dark and gloomy at times lately.  But it's good to remember the little things that make us happy, humor helps one feel much better. 
It can't always be rainbows and butterflies, but it doesn't have to be dark and dreary either.  Sometimes clouds seem to follow us around, but you never know which of those clouds will just remain dark and which will emit a perfect rainbow in  your life.  I could go for playing in the rain right now, of course I don't know when that would be as it seems we've been living right along the edges of Hades where it never rains and it's hot as a...well it's hot.  But the next time it rains and isn't storming, I think our kids just might like to go outside with their 'different kind of mommy' and splash around in the rain in a little.  Maybe when we look up in the sky we'll find a rainbow, if not at least we'd be together splashing around having a good time.  I might only last a few minutes out there, but the memories will last an eternity! 
Have you played in the rain lately?

1 comment:

  1. Even though you'll be at a water park, take one of those travel size squirt bottles with you and put cold water in it. We did this one year when we went to the zoo and it was in the 90's. It kept us cooled down all day long. Spray your face, neck, and arms. And since you'll be at a water park, you can keep putting cold water in it!
    Also, I grew up with a sick mom. Don't think your kids will be deprived. It will make them stronger, in the long run. When medical problems arise, later in life, they won't be so shocked/surprised/thrown for a loop. They'll know how to deal.
    Sure, there will be things you won't be able to do, both individually and as a family, because of your illness. But you know what, that happens to healthy people too. Something always pops up unexpectedly. They'll learn to appreciate you, they won't take you for granted, and it will probably bring your little family closer together, as time goes on.
    Don't feel bad, Crystal. Know that you're helping shape amazing little people, and this 'bump in the road' will end up helping them grow, in the end. (((Hugs)))
