Well, Hello There

Well, hello there! Thanks for stopping by to read my ramblings. I hope you find some amusing, perhaps inspiring or at least a good 'waste of time'.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Good Deeds and New Family Traditions

As I sit down to type this, Princess decided she wanted to come sit with me.  I said "Here, let me get my neck pillow first."  She said "Yeah!"  I said, "Why is that, why do I need to make sure we don't lose my neck pillow?"  She looks at me and says "Because your head would fall off..."  So, rest assured my friendly readers, I haven't lost my neck pillow so my head has not fallen off as I type this out.  It does ramble, however, so I warn you ahead of time. 
Tonight our family was shown that there are still good, nice, kind people out there in this crazy world we live in.  It had been a long day, Super Hubby had to go in to work to test something that has to be given to a customer soon and the kids and I went with him.  Luckily there is Internet access and the kids watched netflix and played games while Daddy worked and I...well I just took up space, had a fan blowing on my face and my head was all flopped backwards.  So glad none of his co-workers were there.
After he completed the testing we had to return one of Princess' toys to Toys R Us.  Evidently the present she most wanted, a microscope, had terrible reviews about it not working so there's no sense in having a microscope if it is unusable.  We didn't buy another gift in its' place yet, instead we went to dinner because we were all hungry and it was late.  This is when we were met with kindness, a few times.
As we were in the parking lot a girl pulled out of a parking space right in front of the door, so I didn't have to walk far.  My legs were grateful.  Then walking to the door, my husband held the door for another couple, the lady walked in and the gentleman asked me to go ahead so he could get the door for my husband since "He's holding the baby.".  Most people just shove on in not caring that you're being helpful without so much as a thank you.  Instead they thanked us and helped us, this is the Christmas spirit which seems to be lost lately. 
We were all taken to our separate tables where the kids ordered foods they wanted and were told they could have a cake if they ate well.  They needed a treat for being so good the past few days.  We sat and ate our food, and it was nearing time to order their dessert when a gentleman walked up to our table with dollars in his hands and asked  us if he could give it to our children.  He wanted to give them something for Christmas and gave two dollars each to Hot Rod and Princess.  We were very touched that some stranger would do that, wishing our babies a Merry Christmas and smile as he headed back to his table. 
The cake came, and Hot Rod and Princess consumed nearly the whole chocolaty mess and I needed to go.  (Darn MG sneaking into our night - chest pain pressure, tightness, squeezing sensation, hard time breathing....um...check please, lol).  I couldn't leave without letting the kids once more walk to the gentleman's table and properly thank him and his company for their great deed.  So Hot Rod and Princess both walked to the table with a party of four and gladly said "Thank you for the dollars, Merry Christmas!  I really appreciate it!"  I am so proud.  Proud of an unknown man, his spouse, their friends and of course our children.  The man and his wife evidently are trying to conceive or  have one baking as he said we had lucked out by having one of both the first go around (a boy and girl) and that they were hoping to do the same.  The other couple with them were all smiles and wished us a Merry Christmas.  As we left, everyone was in smiles, everyone wished each a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays - but Merry Christmas as Christ is truly the meaning of this season.   
They're growing so quickly, yet I want them to grow the way one should.  Without fear of offending someone by saying Merry Christmas.  To thank those who speak to them, or compliment them, and to be appreciative when one offers you a gift, whether it is monetary, meaningful or heartfelt gifts.   I told them that the money the nice gentleman gave them was no better than if he had come to the table and simply said Merry Christmas, your kids are so adorable as he did when he handed the money.  They got that, they really understood that the money wasn't something he needed to have done.  I am proud of everyone.  What a wonderful Christmas present we received tonight.  I feel very blessed.
Earlier this week my sweet baby girl came to me, completely out of the blue with this:
Princess:  "Mommy, you know if we didn't have any Christmas presents it would be okay.  Do you want to know why?"
Me:  "Aww, yes I do.  Why would that be okay?"
Princess:  "Because we still have each other!"  And she gently hugged me, and I smiled as much as a big fat woman with a moon face can smile. 
Me:  "So, do you think I should go ahead and take your Christmas presents back then?  Since we have each other I could take back what we got already."
Princess:  "Well..." *pause*  "...it would be okay.  But I'd really like to have some of them." 
Me:  "But you said you didn't need them since we have each other." 
Princess:  "We don't.  I'd like to have them but we don't need to have them." 
She makes me smile, and yes, I assured her we weren't returning her Christmas presents that she could keep them.  The one that she has her little heart set on is a tiny white box, she asks all the time what I think is in there.  I think that's probably going to be the first one she goes for when opening presents on Christmas morning. 
Hot Rod is getting too big for the snuggles and cuddles, but I'm still convincing him to let me hold him for a few minutes here and there.  Tonight he was over it and told me "You know Mommy your breath is really hot!"  I said "HOT or warm?  Are you telling me my breath stinks?"  He laughs and said "No I'm saying your breath is hot and I'm getting so hot I'm going to throw up if you don't let me up."  I laughed, and let him down...I must torture the poor thing if the only way he can figure he'll get to be released from my clutches is the threat of vomiting on me.  Tomorrow, oh yes, tomorrow I have plans.  I plan to sit and snuggle with them both for a while.  Curl up and watch a movie together with them, and enjoy my snugglebugs - they'll like it if I give them chocolate and a good movie I'm sure.  Me, I'm just hating they're growing so fast, yet I'm grateful they are able to be growing, healthily!
I'm glad that we're raising some pretty great kids.  That they think of others and not just themselves, that they're funny, healthy, happy, and full of lots of energy...okay most of the time I'm glad about that.  When it's in the wee hours of the morn and they still have that energy that's the time I'm not so glad about - the over abundance of energy when toothpicks to keep your eyes open isn't just because of the ptosis caused by MG but rather pure and utter exhaustion between kids all hyped up on chocolate, sweets, mountain dew or whatever it is that kids get that wears off before becoming an adult and me being all spazzed out, yet still not able to do anything though I'm all hyped up, on mega doses of steroids. 
Hot Rod and Princess both want to go and buy a present for the other for Christmas.  Hopefully we'll get that done within the next few days.  And hopefully their presents will be wrapped before Christmas morning!  I'll try to work on the wrapping tomorrow, but Princess still needs one thing to replace her defunct microscope.  Hot Rod wants to get her whatever he knows she'll love, she wants to get him something she's certain he'll love - another Beyblade.  So, another trip to Walmart might be in my future, unfortunately. But they're worth it.  I think it's awesome they're thinking of others, not just themselves.  Just as they thought of those Paper Angels from the Angel Christmas tree at church they helped.  They're always so proud when they know they've done something good for someone else. 
Well, I'm off to watch our Christmas movie with the whole family (our new family tradition) - yes, even Super Hubby is taking the time to watch it with us tonight.  Merry (early) Christmas to those who read my ramblings.  (And I'm sure this one does ramble a lot as this night night meds is making me all loopy right now, lol.)

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