Well, Hello There

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Saturday, August 20, 2011


"I haven't always been this way...I've had my moments"
~Emerson Drive

This song was shared with myself, and many others battling MG, a few days ago and the lyrics seem so befitting to many of us.  Some days we only see the weakness, things we can't do, what we long to do, the negativity.  But we have to stop and remember the moments, that we haven't always been this way, and that there were moments in the sun and there will be more - they just might be fewer and farther between than what we were use to Pre-MG.

Those moments, the good, heartfelt, meaningful moments don't have to come from triathlons, iron man challenges or Olympic races.  Tonight I received another moment, my favorite kind of moment.  A moment created by Princess which left me giggling and inspired to type it out, sealing forever the words on my screen so as to never be forgotten.  I blog instead of writing in journals or baby books any more.  It's much easier to type than to write, so here's the happening of PoDunkVille today, the funny is closer to the end, so if you don't want all of the happenings, just skim over.

Tonight I was reading on the MG Flakes' page, as I often do, and was being uplifted with the humor and friendly bantering going on back and forth.  Then I read an inspirational tid-bit one of the gentlemen on the page wrote to us moms who are often down on ourselves about having MG and raising our kids.  Very nice to hear others tell you that your kids aren't going to grow up as an outcast because of the condition we are in and that our children love us despite this illness.  I read the snippets to Hubby and HotRod overhears what we're talking about.

Once again, that kid makes my heart swell. 
HotRod:  "Well I can't be 100 percent sure that you're the best Mommy in the whole world because other kids think that their moms are the best, but I'm 99 percent certain that you are the best." 
Me:  "I just feel bad because I'm not able to do what I use to do with you guys, take you to the garage and hold onto you tightly while teaching you to skate, pushing you on your bike while you learn to ride it, going outside and playing soccer with you, those are all things I can't do anymore and it just makes me feel sad."
HotRod:  "That's okay I don't want to learn to skate right now anyway, and I like how you are because you're different."
And that was the end of that, as if nothing more needed to be said.  He likes me as I am - whether that's a hot mess trying to scrape myself up off the floor. slurring congratulations at him during soccer games, stumbling as I walk with him, he doesn't care that I'm different.  He just cares that I'm  his mommy and I'm so grateful he's my HotRod!

A while later Princess comes to me, it's getting close to bedtime and she knows this and this is how our conversation goes.

Princess:  *whisper* "Mommy....where's Daddy sleeping tonight?"
Me:  "In the bed with me."
Princess:  "Ugh.  Why does Daddy always have to sleep with us?"
Me:  "Because Mommies and Daddies are supposed to sleep together.  Mommies and Princesses are not always supposed to need to sleep together.  So, if you want to sleep in your bed by yourself then I will sleep in my bed with Daddy."  (Note: She's not comfortable sleeping alone yet - always needs Mommy with her <3 I'm secretly - or not so secretly loving that she still wants me to sleep with her all snuggled up together)
Princess:  *Pause*  "Why do Mommies always get to sleep with Daddies but Mommies don't always get to sleep with their childrens?"
Me:  *I giggle, look at her through my ptosis eye, smile as much as possible on my big moon face and say what pops into my head*  "Because Daddies are too scared to sleep without Mommies, so they need us to sleep with them.  Go ahead and ask him."
Princess looks at me, then toward the hall.  Off she putters to where Hubby is brushing his teeth and asked "Why are Daddies too scared to sleep without Mommies?"

Hubby comes up with a reason relating it to how he especially needs me to sleep with him when I make him watch a scary movie.  I'm sure Princess was thinking something along the lines of "Man, maybe he should watch a princess movie before bed so I can sleep in the bed alone with Mommy...wimp!"  LOL 

I think I have them sufficiently brainwashed, and they believe everything I tell them, which made the whole conversation even more comical to me!  Now I can see her telling Super Granny or Pap that Daddy is too scared to sleep alone, but HotRod is more brave and he sleeps in his own bed.  My babies crack me up, lift my spirits, and bring what little smiles are possible to my big moon face.  This is one of those "Moments".  I didn't climb a mountain, nor did I paddle across an ocean, but this is a moment I will remember nonetheless - moments with my babies, laughing, smiling and enjoying each others' company.

"I haven't always been this way...I've had my moments."

So, now that I am this way, I just have to look a little harder for the moments to cherish, but I know they don't always have to come from being active.

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