Well, Hello There

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Funny Explanations And Fitting Songs

I'll start with a cute story from my Hot Rod first today.  We always try to teach the kids to hold hands and look both ways in parking lots because people driving cars can't always see little kids in parking lots.  Well, evidently not every parent does that.  Earlier this week we took our kids to the doctor for their check ups and Princess got shots.  As my chauffeur, otherwise known as my amazing husband, was starting to back up a kid who may have been all of three darted across the parking lot, behind us, and toward the doctor's office.  His mom, her friend, and a couple of other kids just lolly-gagged around, slowly making their way toward the office.  One of the kids lost her shoe, so she continued walking in a socked-foot whilst carrying her shoe and the two adults never even called after the child who could have been backed over!  Sometimes I wonder why people bothered having kids in the first place!
So, we take this opportunity to tell OUR kids "That's why you always hold hands, look for cars, and pay attention in parking lots."  So, Princess says, "I wonder why that kid wasn't holding his mommy's hand?"  To which Hubby and I say we're unsure.  Hot Rod, however, had a better explanation, and it went like this...
"Maybe they didn't really like him?  Maybe they wanted him before, but they don't now." 
We laughed, heartily.  I mean seriously, who comes up with that?  Evidently my imaginative Hot Rod does!  :^D
In other PoDunkVille news, my amazing in-laws came down last month for me to have my infusions.  They're the best in-laws one could ask for, and we all feel very blessed to have them.  Hot Rod was in Beyblade Heaven while they were here, he had Super Granny playing Beyblade every chance he got!  Rotten Pap even played once or twice, with Granny's 'encouragement' of course.  Princess was in dress up shoe heaven, as Super Granny and Rotten Pap bought her dress up high heels.  She had just asked me before they came down, "Why won't you ever let me wear high heels?"  To which I replied "Because you're far too young to be wearing high heels, your boots have as high of a heel as you need!"  She's a girly girl, and as I type this she's sporting Cinderella heels, earlier it was Snow White heels. 
This week I meet with a surgeon to talk about having a chest port placed for my infusions.  My veins aren't holding up very well, and during my last round of infusions they kept blowing.  My father-in-law doesn't like seeing all of the pokes and IVs hanging out, and unfortunately I looked like a drug addict by the time the week was over with all of the bruising from the IVs and he had to witness all of that.  My blood pressure spiked on the 4th and 5th day, and ended up staying elevated.  I had my blood sugar tested which was also elevated, so thanks to prednisone I am now taking more medicine to counteract the effects of it...medicine for blood pressure and medicine for diabetes.  It stinks but one day I'll be better, I hope!  Hopefully the surgeon will be able to place the port, I'll have better infusion experiences, and one day - that elusive remission will come my way.
Some days I feel like My Body Is A Cage.  Have you heard that song?  Peter Gabriel's version of that song just seems to fit me lately.  I want so badly to be normal, to cook for my family and not give out part way through, dance and be silly with my kids, to have a vacation from MG where I can eat what I want and not have to worry about getting choked, or not being able to swallow it, don't take nearly 20 pills a day just to make it through the day, to take a shower without my arms becoming spaghetti, to be able to walk up the stairs without having to pull myself up them, to go to the grocery store and be able to get everything on the list because I had the strength to shop and walk out to the car - which during this MG free period is not parked in a handicapped parking place...Yep, those are my dreams - that's what I'm waiting for, my remission, my MG vacation where my body has been set free just as the song says!  One day, one day the doctor will find the right combination of meds, the thymectomy will kick in, the IVIg will pull through until the immune suppressants start working...however it happens, one day I hope it does.  Until then I'm trying to be patient.

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